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How does Connections Counselling Incorporate the Importance of Connection?

God has made us for relationships—authentic, honest, and intimate connections. We can be surrounded by lots of people, friends, family, work colleagues but feel lonely and disconnected. It is risky and takes effort to build intimate and authentic relationships where there is truth and vulnerability. When we truly connect with another human being and love our wellbeing, it is going to reap the blessings and fruit, and our mental health will benefit. Why connections matter in our counselling?

1. There is no deeper connection or intimacy than the trinity, three persons’ within the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit a perfect unity of love. He has made us for intimate relationship with Him and others where love, truth and authenticity are the fibre of our relationships.

2. Connecting and building a therapeutic relationship where trust, truth and transformation can happen.

3. Connecting with clients and encouraging clients in their personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

4. Connecting regularly as a Team; I love these times where we learn from each other, encouraging, praying and supporting each other.

5. As therapists, it’s not about giving advise; it’s about connecting the pieces of the puzzle in a client’s story, so the client has that ha ha moment for change and healing.

6. Connecting the client to God’s word and the power of the gospel to transform our lives.

7. Pause Retreats is a venue to devote a time to pause and connect to God in a deeper, intimate personal way. "Be still and know that l am God."

8. Connecting clients to external support and building a support network when clients are isolated.

9. Modelling authentic relationships within the counselling room.

10. Connecting and building relationships externally with churches and organisations.

Our mission stands firm in promoting the emotional, relational, psychological, and spiritual well-being of people within the local church environment through the provision of Christ Centred Counselling and Psychological Services. On behalf of our team at Connections Counselling and myself, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and may the peace of God be with you no matter what you face over the Christmas season.

Have a meaningful celebration of the birth of Jesus… Merry Christmas to all!

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